Thursday 27 February 2014

Onwards and Upwards

Hi all

Well what a turn around it has been emotionally in the last couple of weeks - who would think that sore feet, voice loss (from talking so much), and general tiredness could be so much fun!
We are in week two of the new store being open and I have loved it! I was fortunate enough to have my parents here to help me transport all the stock, fittings and to sort and organise which otherwise would have been so overwhelming. Considering I only received the keys the week before my opening it was definitely a case of all hands on deck.

With a non existent budget, lots of enthusiasm and an optimistic attitude I opened the doors. The signage is done and if nothing else, is definitely eyecatching, and so the customers have started coming in. I have some big plans for the coming months and should the custom just grow and grow I might very well be able to realise some of those plans. In the meantime however, I am open to suggestions, advice and constructive comments.

I must say that having the shop - even if it is a real punt for the area, the location and the style is exciting and has brought me out of my melancholy mood somewhat, which directly filters down to my children. I have met some lovely and helpful people and I can't wait to meet more and to build friendships. Just what a solo mum living in a new place needs (stress ... what stress...)!

There are so many gorgeous frocks out there waiting to be worn and what fun to be had dressing women and helping them to make decisions on great clothes that make them feel special and beautiful!
So I will leave you with this wee quote because I just love it and it is all in the attitude!


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